About Lisa



Yoga has been transformative for me in every way possible. After years of studying pre-professional classical dance, I found myself searching for some kind of physical activity after I finished dancing and graduated college. I stumbled upon a local heated yoga studio in 2009 and pretty quickly fell in love with the intention, the movement, and most of all, how I felt during and after class: strong, graceful, and whole. I had spent most of my life trying to make my body fit into a certain shape and standard in the world of ballet; suddenly, the reverse was encouraged: adapt the practice to fit my body, because my body was already perfect as it was. It was mind-blowing to even consider the possibility.

The physical practice came first for me; a few years later, the energetic and mental significance of a meditation practice snuck in as well, despite my best efforts to resist it. Meditation and self study led me to re-examine and take real ownership of my belief systems, life circumstances, and future pursuits. Ultimately, I’ve found myself willingly and continually taking on the challenge of uncovering and living my authentic self.

Within a year after I first started practicing, I completed my 200-hour teacher training and immediately jumped into teaching. Since then, I’ve taught in multiple areas of the country, in studio spaces and gyms, at festivals and online, in lots of formats from drop-in classes and workshops to teacher trainings, to all levels and ages of students. Teaching the physical and philosophical elements of yoga has become a practice in itself for me: an opportunity to be fully present and serve my fellow humans.

As I’ve developed as a teacher, a few things have become important to me: to teach physical postures in a way that’s inclusive and adaptive for all bodies; to help students feel empowered in their bodies and in their minds; to keep learning as a teacher; to provide clear and practical information to both students and yoga teachers so that they may make authentic choices about their practice and their teaching; to be honest and transparent about my own journey and experiences on and off the mat; and to offer any tools or knowledge that I can to encourage ease for my students.

I love sharing what I know and understand of this yogic path in any format: group classes, private sessions, teacher trainings, and retreats. I’m always grateful for any opportunity to connect, and I appreciate your willingness to venture into a more present way of being with me.



Registered E-RYT 500 and YACEP with Yoga Alliance with more than 2,000 teaching hours logged

200 Hour Teacher Training - YogaWorks, New York, NY 2010

300 Hour Teacher Training - Grace Morales, Southern Pines, NC 2014

Restorative Yoga Teacher Training - Colorado School of Yoga, Colorado Springs, CO 2018

Workshops and retreats with Kathryn Budig, Tiffany Cruikshank, Bryan Kest, Rolf Gates, Dice Iida-Klein, Vinnie Marino, and Chris and John Yax