
Upcoming Classes


No matter where you’re located or how busy your schedule is, there’s always a way to move.

Yoga Online

Catch Lisa from anywhere in the world with live, virtual classes through OmPractice.com.

yoga in person

In the Pittsburgh area? Join Lisa in person at Stray Dog Yoga for heated Vinyasa classes.


Teacher Mentoring

Nothing beats personalized, one-on-one instruction. Get direct feedback, ask any question, and evolve into a more skilled, confident teacher.


Private Sessions

Private sessions offer personalized instruction, targeted to your intentions and needs as a student. With the potential to meet online or in person at the studio or your home, private sessions are perfect for new students looking to better understand the physical poses, consistent students who want to advance their practice, students working with specific injuries, small groups, or anyone just seeking one-on-one expertise.



More than just a vacation, a yoga retreat offers the opportunity to mindfully reconnect with yourself. Give yourself the gift of a physical, emotional, mental, and energetic recharge with Lisa.


About Lisa

Yoga has been transformative for me in every way possible. After years of studying pre-professional classical dance, I found myself searching for some kind of physical activity after I finished dancing and graduated college. I stumbled upon a local heated yoga studio in 2009 and pretty quickly fell in love with the intention, the movement, and most of all, how I felt during and after class: strong, graceful, and whole. I had spent most of my life trying to make my body fit into a certain shape and standard in the world of ballet; suddenly, the reverse was encouraged: adapt the practice to fit my body, because my body was already perfect as it was. It was mind-blowing to even consider the possibility.

Lisa is so welcoming, supportive, and inclusive to all yogis - from novice to more practiced! Her classes are fresh and innovative – she approaches each one with a sense of humor and her own willingness to truly show up. She’s very real, truly supportive, incredibly knowledgeable, and super fun- a truly terrific yoga teacher!
— Maggie C.

Contact Lisa


Follow Lisa on Instagram @lisarischitelli